alastair's heart monitor

To give me something to do while I'm waiting for and then recovering from heart surgery, and to keep friends, relatives and colleagues in touch with the state of my head

Monday, March 20, 2006

The Long and Winding Road

Over the next few days/weeks I'm going to post pictures of some inhabited settlements or landmarks of interest which you would pass when driving north from Campbeltown to Glasgow. So imagine you have just left the wee toon - you very quickly come upon the hamlet of Kilchenzie - well, it's not really big enough to be a hamlet - you come upon the slim panatella of Kilchenzie Accelerating rapidly up the hill out of Kilchenzie you very soon get your first significant sight of the Atlantic ocean breaking majestically on the beach at Westport, on your left hand side. A few miles north of here on the right hand side is the scene of my earliest forensic triumph. A couple of old ladies had sited residential caravans in a field at the side of the road, and bricked them in, effectively making them permanent houses TOTALLY CONTRARY TO THE DISTRICT COUNCIL'S RELEVANT PLANNING POLICY. The Council ordered them to remove the caravans. They refused. Eventually the matter was resolved at a planning appeal - I appeared for the Council - this was in 1976 - it was my first major piece of advocacy - the old ladies were too poor to afford legal representation - I totally vanquished the old dears on every count - my silver-tongued advocacy dazzling the court and bringing the old bastards to their knees in recognition of the power of my compelling arguements. The wicked old cows were ordered to remove the grossly offending vehicles FORTHWITH. A memorable victory for truth, justice and, as it turns out, the British way. That spectacular victory was in 1976. The old ladies are long gone to the great residential van park in the sky. The caravans are still there, now occupied by their great grand-children. I wave to them every time I pass.


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