alastair's heart monitor

To give me something to do while I'm waiting for and then recovering from heart surgery, and to keep friends, relatives and colleagues in touch with the state of my head

Sunday, March 19, 2006


Ok, judging from the responses to the previous post, the thing works in principle. The principle being that there are a number of web-sites to which you can upload large files (eg a CDs worth of tunes) and the uploader is provided with a code which he distributes to those whom he wishes to have access to the file. Voila!! - file-sharing quickly and cheaply. Obviously it takes longer to upload and download a larger file - an average CD takes me about 45 mins to upload and slightly less to download. There are a number of upload sites which interested parties might wish to look at - if there was sufficient interest we could use this blog as a central point for notifying others of any posted material. The web-sites to look at are Sendspace You send it Rapid Share Badongo Just search for them in google. I use rapidshare, which is the only one which is NOT free (I have paid 9.90 euros for a month but it has multitudinous advantages over the others - it is always available for starters, while the others cut you off after a while -believe me when I say it is a bargain - but that is because I have limitless time on my hands just now - it might not be so cost-effective if I had to do anything so proletarian as go out and work.) Anyway, have a look and then let me know what you think by commenting on this post. One must recollect that the distribution of copyright material, even without payment, and even amongst friends, is fraught with potential legal difficulties (this is my disclaimer in the event that any of the enforcing authorities are reading). Tomorrow I will post the whole of the Costello album (which I believe is not copyright, it being a 'genuine' bootleg) - hopefully by that time my brother Iain will have figured out how to get in on this act, since he will most appreciate the Elvis disc.


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