alastair's heart monitor

To give me something to do while I'm waiting for and then recovering from heart surgery, and to keep friends, relatives and colleagues in touch with the state of my head

Friday, March 17, 2006

Bristow Muldoon

Regular readers will recollect that I e-mailed Bristow Muldoon, MSP, 8 days ago with a straightforward question about Shirley McKie's case. Bristow had rushed to appear on the previous evening's news to profess himself entirely satisfied at how the matter had been dealt with by the Executive, and I therefore thought it reasonable that he'd be able to explain the central issue to me. I sent him a reminder e-mail yesterday morning. I have received no reply, not even so much as an acknowledgement, to either e-mail. I suppose it's possible that there has been a failure of technology here, and for unfathomable reasons, he has not received my e-mails. But let's face it, I don't think anyone expected him to answer me from the outset, because the question, although simple, is not answerable - and certainly not by the likes of Bristow Muldoon. (I cannot help but think of the Beatles song 'Rocky Raccoon') I will be charitable and refrain from saying that Bristow Muldoon is a pathetic, Labour party toady lickspittle hack, who wouldn't know decency and integrity if it booted him in the balls, and is only interested in waiting around for Buggins turn preferment. I will refrain from saying that in case he did not in fact receive my e-mails.


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