alastair's heart monitor

To give me something to do while I'm waiting for and then recovering from heart surgery, and to keep friends, relatives and colleagues in touch with the state of my head

Thursday, March 16, 2006

NEW LABOUR - Nice'N'Sleazy Does It Every Time

The Labour Party receives loans of millions of pounds from rich benefactors, but the Treasurer of the party isn't told about this. The lenders are then nominated for peerages. The apparent reason for 'loans' rather than 'gifts' is so that the peerages committee won't know that the peerage nominees are Labour party benefactors - the loans don't need to be declared and they can always be converted to gifts after the lenders have been robed in ermine. When all this comes out in the wash the PM does his usual hurt 'honest Tone' look - the guy is an out-and-out crook. Perhaps what has happened is not actually criminal, but it is definitely utterly immoral. Tony Blair is not fit to hold the office which he holds. It is now very apparent that he is the most amoral person ever to hold the position. Even although he is caught bang to rights, he was still insisting today that there was no link between the loans and the peerage nominations. Does the country have a single head which zips up the back? I pine for the days when the Labour movement was led by the likes of Michael Foot, Tony Benn, Arthur Scargill etc - they may have been electoral liabilities but at least they had some ethics. The present gang are a collective stain on the labour movement. It was incredibly instructive, and labour voters should take heed, that the only reason this came out in the wash today was because the party treasurer went round the TV studios and appealed to the media over the head of the PM - BECAUSE he knew that going direct to the PM would have resulted in him being fobbed off with the kind of spin and lies with which we're all too familiar.


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