alastair's heart monitor

To give me something to do while I'm waiting for and then recovering from heart surgery, and to keep friends, relatives and colleagues in touch with the state of my head

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Shirley Shome (Honesht) Mishtake

I see on BBC Scotland news tonight that one of the SCRO fingerprint examiners has bravely come forward and (as I suspected would be the case) maintained that she and her colleagues did not make a mistake (honest or otherwise)in the identification of Shirley McKie's alleged fingerprint.She indicated that she and her colleagues were enraged by the financial settlement with Ms McKie, and she said she/they wanted an inquiry. So, let's recap. Shirley McKie and her supporters do not believe an honest mistake was made, and want an inquiry. The officers in the SCRO do not believe an honest mistake was made, and want an inquiry. Apparently the only people who believe the tripe about 'honest mistake' (and who DON'T want an inquiry) are Honest Jack McConnell and all the craven wee toadies in the Labour party who parrot whatever the current party line is. Jack, Jack, Jack, change horses now - you will be forced to eventually - the longer you wait the more certain it is that the setting up of the inevitable inquiry will be announced simultaneously with your resignation. PS - Some time after writing the above, I came across the Sunday Herald's online report which I had not seen before - caramba - if even half of this report is true then an inquiry is urgently required. Read it here -


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