alastair's heart monitor

To give me something to do while I'm waiting for and then recovering from heart surgery, and to keep friends, relatives and colleagues in touch with the state of my head

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

This Is How Sad It Eventually Gets

Here is my ticket for the first time I saw Bob Dylan in concert Although it does not say so on the face of the ticket, the year was 1978 (before some of you were born !!) At the time when this concert was taking place, Scottish football was in the midst of the Argentinian catastrophe, which was the beginning of the road which has led to our present rather sorry state. One thing I clearly remember is buying 'Private Eye' on my arrival in London - the front cover was a picture of the Scotland team manager, Ally McLeod, looking at his watch and a word bubble having him say, as though to the Scotland squad, "Yes ! The pub's open". Needless to say, Dylan himself was simply stupendous. This was the first time he'd performed in the UK since 1966, and the whole crowd was tremendously excited in a way which I've never experienced before or since. My friends and I had fantastic balcony seats - right at the very front practically looking right over the stage. Happy days.


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