alastair's heart monitor

To give me something to do while I'm waiting for and then recovering from heart surgery, and to keep friends, relatives and colleagues in touch with the state of my head

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Tony Blair - The Loan Arranger

Mark Steel, writing in The Independent: If it's true, as the Labour Party assures us, that these loans from businessmen came with no obligation to provide favours in return, this is fantastic news. Because it appears none of the money has been paid back. So maybe this system of lending will be made available to everyone. You'll borrow your lump sum, then instead of a rude letter from the bank you'll get one that says: "Dear Sir, at close of business on 9 March you hadn't paid back a single penny in four years, leaving your outstanding balance as two million pounds. Well, whatever, in your own time. Hope you enjoyed the Seychelles, love, Lord Sainsbury."


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