alastair's heart monitor

To give me something to do while I'm waiting for and then recovering from heart surgery, and to keep friends, relatives and colleagues in touch with the state of my head

Friday, February 10, 2006

What Age Do You Think George Orwell Was When This Photograph Was Taken ?

I first read 1984 when I was 14, and it had the effect of making me seek out and read pretty well everything Orwell wrote, including his letters and especially his journalism. Whatever his merits as a novelist, he was certainly the most endlessly facinating 'journalist' of the 20th century As a youth, I was thrilled to learn that Orwell had in fact written 1984 while he was staying at a remote farmhouse on the Isle of Jura (an island you can see from the main road between Campbeltown and Tarbert). Below is a photograph of the farmhouse. No electricity, no gas. Just paraffin lamps, and puffin salad for every meal. Orwell subsisted primarily on chain smoking very strong roll-up cigarettes, and tea which had to be so stewed that the teaspoon would stand up in it. No wonder 1984 is so cheery, huh? The answer to the question is - 43 years of age George Orwell died of tuberculosis aged 47. (the photograph of the farmhouse I pinched from a website, but I can't remember where it was - other than it's obviously by some chap called Charlie - I gratefully acknowledge it as his work)


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