alastair's heart monitor

To give me something to do while I'm waiting for and then recovering from heart surgery, and to keep friends, relatives and colleagues in touch with the state of my head

Friday, February 10, 2006

I've Got Nothing Better To Do Than Surf......

..... and of course you come across weird stuff. Here, for example, is somebody calling herself Betsy Black-Pudding reporting on some strange Caledonian goings-on: "Silly names Ok, so I totally forgot about the silliest thing that happened last week. I'd persuaded the friend I was staying with to let me watch Countryfile. Its my Sunday morning tradition to watch it over a bowl of Weetabix. They were doing a piece on a group of Scottish islanders who'd bought the island they lived on and their main interviewee was a chap called Willie McSporran! Imagine the hilarity that ensued. As our hostess pointed out, he sounded like a character from The Family Ness. Has that always been his name? Did he change it by deed poll as his original name didn't sound Scottish enough? Or because he's got a sporran fetish? We almost expected the next interviewee to be called Tavish McTavish or something. And talking of silly names, there was a good one last night. Randy Budd I think he was called (my memory is not what it was). And its not only people. My brother bought a loaf from Sainsbury's last week dubbed 'tiger bread' because the crust was a bit stripy. We think they actually made a duff batch but decided to sell it anyway by giving it an appropriate name as though it was meant to happen. Anyway, I discovered this afternoon that he's bought another loaf - 'Hedgehog Bread'. Presumably because the crust was a bit spiky. Whatever next? Horse buns? Cow ciabatta? Fox focaccia? (try saying that when you've had a few). By the way I'm changing my name by deed poll to something more Northern. Betsy Black-Pudding"


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