alastair's heart monitor

To give me something to do while I'm waiting for and then recovering from heart surgery, and to keep friends, relatives and colleagues in touch with the state of my head

Friday, February 17, 2006

Happiness Is A Warm Gun

While we're on the subject of shooting your hunting companions, we should record that Dick Cheney merely follows in the footsteps of generations of our own dear Royal family who have for centuries been accidentally killing their servants instead of the intended feathered targets. And does my mind play tricks on me or did the late Willie Whitelaw not take out two or three ghillies in his, thankfully brief, time as a field sportsman? All perfectly understandable - accidents will happen - no need for recriminations - all be sorted out over a large brandy - a little ex gratia gift to the deceased's family -hazard of the sport, don't you know - I'll have another large one if you're asking - chap was damned good ghillie -he'll be sorely missed - unlike this on this occasion when he wasn't - haw haw haw On the other hand, if a juvenile delinquent with an air gun accidentally hits someone on the backside with a misplaced pellet, then we call that 'reckless discharge' and he's likely to end up in jail.


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