alastair's heart monitor

To give me something to do while I'm waiting for and then recovering from heart surgery, and to keep friends, relatives and colleagues in touch with the state of my head

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Geek Broadcasting From Geek City

The observant will have noticed the appearance of a button in the left margin bearing the legend 'B Bloglines'. What is this I hear you ask?. Waaaall.......when you've got nothing much to do all day but to nosey round the electronic sphere, you come across continual reference to RSS feeds and newsreaders and stuff like that. If you are curious you eventually try to find out what RSS feeds are - and you drive yourself mad in the process.... ...but basically (says he when he's not at all sure about this) basically, right, RSS feeds are your actual condensed news from everywhere you want to get news from, know what I mean. Yeah and its not just news news like, it can be news about things that aren't news at all as well if you get my drift - no really, bear with me, you can get stuff about knitting patterns if you want, or record reviews, or the mating habits of hydrangeas, or pretty well anything really. Bloglines is a newsreader - and its free - if you sign up for it, it asks you to specify from a huge list all the topics you would like to get 'feeds' (ie condensed news/articles) about on demand. You pick all your favourite things and hey presto bloglines pulls all this stuff into a handy browser format, so that you can quickly skim-read and see which articles you actually want to go to and read in full. You just click on any link that interests you and it takes you there. In effect it searches the web so that you don't have to. Obviously this will only appeal to saddos and maddos, but I think it's pretty cool and wicked, totally wicked, man. And even more mega-wicked than that is that if you come across any other sites offering RSS feeds (of which there is an increasing number) then a couple of clicks of the old moose and that's it incorporated into Bloglines. Sorted. So if you wanna get where it's at, and get down wiv the happenin' sounds, click on the wee Bloglines button, and all will be revealed. Obviously I'm talking shite here, right, but give it a click and see for yourself. Underneath is a screnshot showing my computer-screen when using Bloglines - enlarge the picture by clicking on it to see some of the stuff which is available


Blogger almax said...

I think 'brotheriain' had already been taken by an Irish soup manufacturer.

Don't knock the banner advertising (especially as I'm trying to figure out how I can make some money off it by linking to it directly - if I fail, then you can resume the criticism - the greedy bastards)

Another Burns poem to avoid searching for by first line is "Stay, My Charmer" which begins
"Feel,oh feel my bosom beating"

And hereditary heart trouble - medical jargon - nothing for you to worry about

2/23/2006 02:57:00 pm  
Blogger almax said...

Oh, and Iain, I forgot to mention that as soon as you get involved in this blogging lark, it is addictive and you are hooked. I look forward to reading your very own blog shortly

2/23/2006 03:44:00 pm  
Blogger Malc said...

As the youngest McSporran brother (as far as I know!)I should technically be the most adept at this computer malarkey (technical term)however I must admit that I had some problems logging on.

The blogg site is fantastic and it's great to see some of the old football articles again.

I spoke to Mum this afternoon to wish her luck with the Plays tonight....somehow the old addage "break a leg" seems very apt.

Speak to you soon..or should I say blogg you again soon.

2/24/2006 09:31:00 pm  
Blogger almax said...

Welcome Malcolm

Nothing will happen on this blog while I'm in hospital so I'm relying on those who've joined up to roam about the existing stuff and write some abusive comments and drum up dissent.

Please feel free to do so

2/24/2006 10:13:00 pm  

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