alastair's heart monitor

To give me something to do while I'm waiting for and then recovering from heart surgery, and to keep friends, relatives and colleagues in touch with the state of my head

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Albums To Be Rescued From The Dustbin Of History

Numbers 3 and 4 - Thank Christ For The Bomb and Split both by the Groundhogs For a very brief fleeting period during 1970-72 the Groundhogs were fashionable and these two records were at the core of their appeal. Championed by John Peel, the Groundhogs were a British blues band operating in generally the same area as Cream, Taste and Led Zeppelin. The formula for all of these bands was to take basic delta blues, add a British gloss to it, and then push the genre to its limits, which all of these bands did with varying degrees of success. Both of these albums are good solid British blues-rock, not quite in the same league as Fresh Cream or Led Zeppelin Volume 1, but very enjoyable nevertheless. Probably the heights of acclaim which the Groundhogs reached in the early seventies was not strictly justifed, but neither is the fact that they are completely forgotten or ignored today. Give these discs a clean, get them on the turntable, and give your ears a treat - then put them away again for another 25 years.


Blogger Malc said...

I dounloaded thank Christ for the bomb from a less than legal Russian MP3 download site and thought it was poor...very very poor.

Either the quality of the download was substandard or these guys suck big time.

2/26/2006 01:59:00 am  
Blogger almax said...

Yeah, but that would be the Russian Groundhogs, right? That was a Kremlin organisation who were expressing genuine gratitude for the bomb while throwing in some gratuitous blasphemy to upset the decadent westerners.Yeah, they were rubbish.

The English Groundhogs, on the other hand.......

2/26/2006 09:46:00 am  

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