alastair's heart monitor

To give me something to do while I'm waiting for and then recovering from heart surgery, and to keep friends, relatives and colleagues in touch with the state of my head

Monday, February 27, 2006

Plagiarism News

I see that the High Court in London is arbitrating on the plagiarism dispute between the authors of 'The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail' and Dan Brown, author of the blockbusting 'Da Vinci Code'. Or as the case is known in the court papers - The authors of a pile of preposterous old tosh vs The author of another even more preposterous pile of old tosh. Brown's book is atrociously-written but mildly enjoyable bollocks. Some people obviously think there's some truth in the central theory (that J. Christ was married to M. Magdalene) and countless half-wits have been crawling over places like our very own Roslyn Chapel to 'read the runes' which allegedly contain details of this secret. Now here's what I want to know: If Jesus existed And if he was divine And if he had disciples And if one of them was a woman (as allegedly depicted in Da Vinci's painting above, sitting on J's right hand side) And if that woman was Mary Magdalene And if Jesus and Mary were married And if they had children And if these children had children And they begat and begat yea even unto the century which is called the 21st Who gives a f*ck? And why on earth would the Catholic Church, the Vatican, Opus Dei, The Knights Templar, Uncle Tom Cobley and all think this 'secret' was important enough to slaughter everyone who knew about it? And, much more importantly, now that Dan Brown knows about it, why the f*ck have they not slaughtered him?


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