alastair's heart monitor

To give me something to do while I'm waiting for and then recovering from heart surgery, and to keep friends, relatives and colleagues in touch with the state of my head

Sunday, February 26, 2006

G8 - Police Under Attack From Crazed Cyclist

Ten thousand police officers on duty for the G8 summit at Gleneagles faced untold danger at the hands of marauding international anarchists, terrorists, protesters, hippies, dippies, crusties, freakies, wackies and crackies. Praise God, very little damage was caused to anyone or anything, with the exception of one horrifying incident - let today's Scotland on Sunday take up the story : "HE MAY be the most powerful man in the world, but proof has emerged that President George Bush cannot ride a bike, wave and speak at the same time. Scotland on Sunday has obtained remarkable details of one of the most memorably bizarre episodes of the Bush presidency: the day he crashed into a Scottish police constable while cycling in the grounds of Gleneagles Hotel. The incident, which will do little to improve Bush's accident-prone reputation, began when he took to two wheels for a spot of early-evening exercise during last year's G8 summit at the Perthshire resort. After a hard day's discussion with fellow world leaders, the president was looking for some relaxation. Instead, he ended up the subject of a police report :- "[At] about 1800 hours the President approached the junction at speed on the bicycle. The road was damp at the time. As the President passed the junction at speed he raised his left arm from the handlebars to wave to the police officers present while shouting 'thanks, you guys, for coming'. "As he did this he lost control of the cycle, falling to the ground, causing both himself and his bicycle to strike [the officer] on the lower legs. [The officer] fell to the ground, striking his head. The President continued along the ground for approximately five metres, causing himself a number of abrasions. The officers... then assisted both injured parties." " Obviously friend Tony must've come to George's assistance otherwise he would ordinarily have been charged with a number of offences under the Police (Scotland) Act.....and a couple of thefts by olp.


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