Quick Nurse - the Screens !
I have to be reasonably circumspect nowadays - by reason of their place of birth I have 2 grandsons who are English - one of whom is now old enough to be wearing the England strip and be repeatedly asking me to agree that 'David Beckham is the best player in the whole wide world'. I have been warned by his mother and grandmother that I must at least give the appearance of supporting Sven's boys. What can I do? And I see from yesterday's papers that Kenny McAskill is urging Scots to support the efforts of our southern neighbours in Germany. Has the whole world gone mad? Judge for yourself when you read this from today's Observer
Sven: 'We will win World Cup'
Paul Wilson and Denis Campbell
Sunday May 21, 2006
The Observer
Alf Ramsey said it before 1966 and was proved right. Now Sven-Goran Eriksson, a man not prone to rash utterances, has dared make the same bold prediction: England will win the World Cup.
England's manager has confounded the pessimistic mood that had settled over the team's supporters since Wayne Rooney broke his foot last month by declaring: 'I think we will win it this time.'
He did so during an interview with Sunday newspapers at England's base in Portugal last week. Reminded that Ramsey had promised the country that his team would lift the trophy in 1966, the Swede surprisingly departed from his usual cautious response when asked about England's chances in Germany.
'I think we will win it this time', he said - eight words that could turn out to be history repeating itself, or haunt him forever. 'Of course I think that, but you know you have huge opponents as well and you need luck on your side. It's not all about confidence, you need a little bit of luck with injuries and referees.
'mon the Paraguay.
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