All Our Yesterdays
This is a classic Private Eye cover from 1975. It will not make the slightest sense to anyone under the age of about 45. There was a referendum on the UKs membership of the Common Market (now EEC) in 1975 and the cover depicts Michael Foot and colleague (whose name I can't remember - was it Betty Short or something similar - can anyone assist?) - they were anti-Common Market Labour MPs (Labour were in power and Harold Wilson was asking people to vote for the common market). The word bubbles refer to (a) the then current fear of a serial rapist and (b) the President of France (very pro-Common Market), while the strap-line at the bottom combines an oblique reference to the then-current story of animal organs being transplanted to humans - and to the Right Honourable Anthony Wedgewood Benn - also an anti-common marketeer.
Coming soon - from the same issue - a fantastic newspaper report of a football match.
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