I'm Back
I'm back here again after our brief trip down south to visit our two grand-sons - a delight as always - though I am still sneezing and snuffling with the cold which rather spoilt things a bit. A lot seems to have been happening while I've been away :- John Prescott looks as though he may lose his job for playing croquet while Rome burned. (how ironic - he's clung on for years despite being useless - but a brother playing the toffs game?) Talking of brothers, I've been forced to watch some of Big Brother. I'm not making any homophobic point here but it seems that Glasgow has been represented on this show by a very effeminate homosexual and another character of indeterminate gender. It's a long way from 'No Mean City'. At Holyrood, the SCRO witnesses still maintain it was McKie's print - ah-hah ! - what's the committee going to do now? - they really needed a judicial inquiry - it's far too cosy for the 4 SCRO witnesses to appear together and have their chief interrogator in the form of Alex Neil (well-meaning, but NOT a practiced cross-examiner). Ideally I'd like to see Donald Findlay or the like examining the witnesses in detail in relation to the precise parts of the print which Wertheim et al say is NOT McKie's. Sooner or later it would become apparent which witnesses were trying to say (literally) that black was white. Back to the brothers (and sisters) - The SSP are having a civil war - crikey, an SSP official has been jailed for contempt of court for refusing to hand over documents to the News of the World !!! Had it been an official from the Tory party I somehow doubt if jail would have been such a ready option. As an interested outsider, I am baffled by what is going on there. England are on course to win the World Cup having overwhelmed Hungary 3-1 last night. I don't see how anyone can stop them (this is sarcasm readers). I noticed many cars displaying the St George crosses in the wee area of Somerset where I was. Good on them - as always I have absolutely no problem with English patriotism/ jingoism when it's confined to themselves - it's when they export it to us via the BBC (BRITISH, allegedly) etc that it does your nut in. Why do we want them to lose? - there's absolutely nothing racist in this at all (as you know I'm a mad keen supporter of the English cricket team) - it's just that we would never hear the end of it if they won at football - we've had 40 years of f***ing non-stop yabbering about '66 - that will do for one lifetime thankyou. And hardly a week goes by without an obituary for a fallen 60's hero - this time it's Desmond Dekker who died on 25 May. I had hoped to illustrate this with a relevant photo but blogger is not working properly just now - so photo to follow in due course. So, plenty to catch up on - which I will endeavour to do over the next few days.
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