alastair's heart monitor

To give me something to do while I'm waiting for and then recovering from heart surgery, and to keep friends, relatives and colleagues in touch with the state of my head

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Medical News and Blog Update

If you frequent hospitals, as perforce I do, the chances are high that you will pick up any or all of the passing airborne bugs which naturally live there. I was at St John's on Monday - now on Tuesday I have a terrible cold - which is mucho unfortunate because on Thursday I am venturing away from home for the first extended period since my operation. I will be down south until next Wednesday. This blog will therefore cease to function for a week - unless the dear readers make comments on existing posts while I am away. Perhaps I will have the opportunity to post another couple of things before I go - more likely is that I will spend the day in bed with numerous hot toddies (non-Scottish readers should not confuse toddies with totties - while I have no doubt that hot totties would be much more beneficial I will restrict myself to toddies) - I digress for a moment to recall that a friend of mine, when he was a university student, was called before the old-fashioned and very stern Head of the Department to explain why he'd missed some important tutorial. He explained that he'd been "in bed with 'flu". The Head retorted angrily, "In bed with who?" So, from a currently miserable heart monitor it's au revoir.


Blogger keda said...

hope the hot toddie works, yes bloody shame about the lack of hot tottie.

highlighting everything works quite nicely thank you. doing the other would require me to actually do something. and i'm rather averse to that.

enjoy the south. and be prepared for major expense and yummy shops.

it gives me a chance to catch up a bit at least!

5/24/2006 12:29:00 pm  

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