alastair's heart monitor

To give me something to do while I'm waiting for and then recovering from heart surgery, and to keep friends, relatives and colleagues in touch with the state of my head

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Bob Dylan Radio

Turn It Up !! Bob continues to be fantastic as a DJ. The theme of the latest programme was 'drinking'. Bob's main joke "Lonnie the Cat – he read about the evils of drinking so he quit reading". Of course, the artwork for the discs which are now inevitably following has become available, and we are proud to bring the sleeves to you here (as always click to enlarge to view in their full magnificence) If any of you out there in blogland would like to hear any of these shows then e-mail me at the usual address and we'll see what can be arranged.


Blogger onan the bavarian said...

G'day Alastair.

I'm guessing you listen to the broadcasts as streams.

I see Hendrix is there on disc one. It's said that Hendrix's genius version of All Along The Watchtower is Bob's own favourite.

5/19/2006 06:56:00 am  
Blogger almax said...


good to hear from you.

The actual US radio broadcasts are 'pay-per-listen', but naturally listeners can record the shows and broadcast them free on the net within minutes of the show finishing.

Of course I do not condone or encourage any activities which breach anyone's copyright, but if you were interested you could download all the shows in mp3 format by clicking on the 'Bob Dylan' link on my blog and following the trail through 'Rare Dylan recordings' to links to the radio show. Or go here -

While there you would discover that with a rapidshare premium account you have instant (well as instant as the speed of your connection will allow) access to approximately, um, thousands of Dylan bootlegs.

Let me warn you that if you embark on this course you WILL become addicted and you WILL sit up all night saying 'I just have to get that Sydney '66 gig...and the 65 session for the BBC and ...... Seattle 1980 and........'

5/19/2006 11:49:00 am  

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