alastair's heart monitor

To give me something to do while I'm waiting for and then recovering from heart surgery, and to keep friends, relatives and colleagues in touch with the state of my head

Monday, May 08, 2006


This is quite exciting, I think - in a geeky sort of way. This is the original typescript of page 1 of 1984 heavily revised in manuscript by Orwell. I found it on the web-site which you will go to if you click the above 1984 heading -I recommend that you go there for lots of other Orwell-related goodies. This picture is marked 'DO NOT COPY THIS IMAGE WITHOUT PERMISSION'. Obviously, that is precisely what I've done (ie copied it - not, not copied it, if you see what I mean). (Who do you get permission from ? - Orwell? - he's dead, isn't he? How do you get permission anyway?) - OK, so as David Brent would say, sue me. Well, don't sue me actually - I'm acknowledging the source of the image - that's as much as I can reasonably do at the moment. I have previously noted on this blog that Orwell wrote most, if not all, of 1984 while he was staying on the island of Jura - for me that is part of the thrill of seeing this document now, some 60 years after it was written.


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